"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw
24 Jun 2015 | virtualbox, virtualmachine, archlinux, linux, development
I have uploaded 3 Arch Linux Virtual Machines to Dropbox. One without any desktop environment (command line only), another with LXQT and a third with XFCE. You will need to create a new user since these VMs only contain the default “root” account with password “root”. If you’d rather install Arch Linux on VirtualBox from scratch, go here.
and login as root and create a new user. $ useradd [username] $ passwd [username] $ mkdir /home/[username] $ chown -R [username]:[username] /home/[username]
…for example:
$ useradd tux $ passwd tux $ mkdir /home/tux $ chown -R tux:tux /home/tux
command to open sudo’s configuration file.[username] ALL = (ALL) ALL