Move Mouse to Active Window
Dependencies: pywin32, pyhook
I have a weird 3 screen setup at work (don't ask me why): ...a docked laptop with a 27" monitor to its right and a 19" monitor above the 27" monitor.
I hate having to move the mouse from window to window when switching between windows using Alt-Tab, specially when the mouse has to be moved from the 1st screen to the 3rd screen.
So... I created this simple script to move the mouse to the middle of the new window if Alt-Tab is being used.
$ python True
The parameter (True or False) enables/disables debug prints.
How it works
Setting the mouse position: We'll use the Windows SetCursorPos API to set the mouse position. PyWin32 provides bindings for Win32 API functions, so we just have to make the API call i.e.
# Set cursor position to (100, 100)
win32api.SetCursorPos((100, 100))
Getting the active (foreground) window: GetForegroundWindow returns a handle to the currently active window. The GetWindowText and GetWindowRect APIs can be used to get the window title and dimensions, respectively.
Keyboard hook for Alt-Tab: This is where PyHook comes in; it wraps low-level mouse and keyboard hooks in the Windows Hooking API for use in Python applications.
# Create the hook manager
hm = pyHook.HookManager()
# Register keyboard callback
hm.KeyUp = on_keyboard_event()
# Hook into keyboard events
# The callback...
def on_keyboard_event(event):
# Check for the Alt-Tab key combination (basically we check for the Tab key event with Alt held down)
if event.Key == 'Tab' and event.Alt != 0
# Handle key event
# Exit if SIGINT was received
if sigint_rcvd:
return True
Putting it all together: The function that sets the mouse position, set_mouse_position, is run in its own thread.
thread = threading.Thread(target = set_mouse_position, args = (debug, ))
The set_mouse_position function is more or less straight forward save for one minor peculiarity: we need to make sure that the "Task Switching" window has closed before we position the mouse:
# Wait for the 'Task Switching' window to close
while(GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()).split('-')[-1] == 'Task Switching'):
time.sleep(0.25) # --> Slight delay before continuing...
The rest of the implementation is self-explanatory, on_keyboard_event posts a switch event on Alt-Tab and a quit event on SIGINT (Ctrl-C). A signal handler is installed for handling SIGINT (Ctrl-C).
If you don't want to download or clone the whole repository, you can view the complete source for this script on GitHub here or download the file here